Build your own Fuel Can Strap

Bruce GageTutorials Leave a Comment

A basic fuel can strap has two parts. There is the Ratchet Buckle Strap (RBS) and the Ladder Stap (LS). GageBroz is offering four different lengths of RBS’s and two different lengths of LS’s, which results in 8 possible combinations to give you the best chance of building a strap for your specific setup. We are also offering two different …

So you bought a used Timbersled?

Bruce GageTutorials Leave a Comment

A new Timbersled ARO or RIOT will include an Owner’s Manual, an Engine Chain and the two bolts that mount your TSS or Fixed Strut to the ARO/RIOT. A Mountain Horse kit should include an engine chain and lower strut bolt. A new fit kit will also include instructions. Often when you buy used, some or all of these items …